Friday, January 13, 2006

it's about knowing a Person

I have been meaning to write a follow-up to the post "the Word, Jesus" but have felt that the mini-journey with God on that subject was not quite over. In other words, my mind still had a drawer full of questions and God still had some more things to say and do with my heart.

I took a break from reading the Bible (gasp!) and shifted my focus solely to listening to the Spirit of God within a sort of experimental way. My desire was still the same - all I ever really want is more of HIM! However I can get Him. This may sound blasphemous, but I think I was a little dissatisfied with my relationship with God. Not that God is not enough because HE is, but I had come to a wall and the Lord wanted to show me the way over it.

Evidence that God was not finished with me on this subject came first at Passion in Nashville (woopwoop!) I was on the long trek to community groups Wednesday night and saw Beth Moore walking two feet in front of me arm in arm with her daughters. I HAD TO TALK TO HER. I really didn't want to bother her but felt that she would be an appropriate person to ask since she has always expressed her deep love for God's word. I don't remember exactly what I said but I did ask her a few questions from "the Word, Jesus" post. I do, however, remember exactly what she said..."all I'm gonna say is just go to Psalm 119 and replace the word 'law' with 'word' [as in God's word]" She thanked me for asking those questions and of course I thanked her profusely for taking the time to listen!

"my soul is consumed with longing for your [words] at all times." - v.20

"give me life according to your word" - v.25

"strengthen me according to your word!" - v. 28

"my soul longs for your salvation; I hope in your word" - v. 81

"forever, O Lord, your word is firmly fixed in the heavens" - v.89

"your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path" - v.105

"your testimonies are my heritage forever, for they are the joy of my heart" - v. 111

and God also gave me later...

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing [God's truth, His word] so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope" - Romans 15:13

The second piece of evidence that God was not finished with me on this subject was the weekly sermon by John Piper I received a few days ago from Desiring God Ministries. It is entitled "How God's Word Produces our Work". Here is an excerpt:

"On December 21 when the urologist said, “Your prostate feels irregular, we need to do a biopsy,” and left me in the room alone to get ready, a stab of fear went through my heart. I had no Bible with me, but I had my memory. I prayed and called to mind the promises of God. And Christ came by his word with the sweetest peace, and I almost fell asleep on the table before the doctor came back. "

The Spirit of Christ "came by his word" and ministered to Piper's heart.

I think Brother Lawrence and Frank Laubach clinched it for me with a quote in Practicing His Presence,

"Almost it seems to me now that the very Bible cannot be read as a substitute for meeting God soul to soul and face to face."

I think this is my conclusion. If you were at Passion, you heard Louie G. talk about how the seed of the word of God really cannot be nurtured and matured unless it is accompanied by the actual cultivation action and communing with the Spirit of God. Therefore it is imperative that we, who wholeheartedly desire to know this living God, can do so through His word.

It's about knowing a person and not just what they have said...

I think it comes down to letting His Holy words sink deep into the soil of our soul via a moment by moment dependence on the Spirit of God (willfully choosing to believe that He is with you, living in you, looking you in the eyes and whispering "you are my precious one") and letting Him feed and mature that seed so that it may bring forth a harvest!