Thursday, December 08, 2005

I'm a little behind on this (it's day four of the prayer journey to Passion06) but I read this just now and was moved. I need to remember that I'm caught up in a bigger story and that my life is NOT my own - it is HIS! JOYFULLY I remember that I gave it all to you!!

This world is all battleground! Jesus, may we remember that this place is NOT supposed to feel like home - it's not our home! YOU are our HOME!

I talked to a friend yesterday who is about to move to a different city and confessed that he didn't really feel at home anywhere. I told him "that's good...because you are not at home"

Be sure to check their blog out if you haven't already...
I added a few emphases ...

28 Day Journey-Day Two

Tuesday 12//06//05

The Fight

"In case anyone has forgotten, we're not on blissful stroll through life. We are in a FIGHT. And it's not just some small conflict, either. We are in a war, a spiritual battle that rages all around us, darkness contending against light, and you and I are in the thick of it everyday whether we want to be or not. It is as Paul warned, "Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." Ephesians 6:11-12 The more we seek the cause of Jesus, the faster we find the fight.

That's why it came as no big surprise to me when (our home for the 268Blog and these Prayer Journey posts) crashed late Monday afternoon. While I'm sure there is a perfectly good explanation for why the site failed, I also feel we at Passion should have given fair warning to all the bloggers at that we were launching the Passion06 prayer focus on Monday so they could have anticipated a service outage.

No, we're not filled with spiritual paranoia, looking for the enemy behind every shadow and blaming each bump in the journey on some grand demonic scheme. But we have been at this for a while, and when major passion gatherings are on the horizon strange things happen. Trust me, we know we are in a fight (we have suffered costly loss), but we are not afraid. Realistic about the battle-yes. Scared to move forward-absolutely not! God is with us and He is our defender. That doesn't mean that we will escape the fray without wounds, (see Paul's life) but that we are convinced that "Greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world." 1 John 4:4

That's why the 28 Day Prayer Journey exists. We cannot go it alone and would be fools to proceed without fighting on our knees.

Today's prayer: Father, You alone are our Shield and Defender. Your name, O Lord, is a strong tower; the righteous run into You and find shelter. We know that we are in a raging battle today, a fight for Your glory and grace. And we know we are filled with the Light of Jesus Christ. We ask not that You remove us from the conflict, but that You cover us in Your care and demonstrate Your greatness no matter what comes our way. Our lives, and Passion 06, are in Your hands. Our trust is in You.

In Jesus' Name and the power of His blood, Amen.

All through the day: Defend us as we lift up Your name."


Blogger Ashley Warren said...

It is easy to think that our lives should be a prairie walk on a sunny day. Sometimes I feel like I am just running from the battle instead of standing up to it with God's protection. There is definitely fear, hence pieces of my heart that I have not made accessible to God.

4:50 PM  

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