Sunday, December 04, 2005

I'm a workplay junkie (at least I was this weekend)

Howie Day at Workplay...
Mrs. Smith and I

and I'm lovin some Will Hoge...

Loop pedals, Michael Warren, Howie Day, and Will was all craziness! Friday, I went to see Howie Day with Meredith and Jared Smith and later met up with Margaret and her friend Gordon, and Kelly Ann (my bosses from Anthropologie). We got a booth in a great spot in the FRIGGIN MIDDLE OF WORKPLAY. If you have never been to workplay, just believe me when I say that it is the best seat in the house.

So we're sitting there enjoyin some M. Warren and Margaret gets a text message. FROM HOWIE DAY. Now, let me give you a little background information on this girl with amazing connections. Margaret is good friends with the lead singer of Jump Little Children and this guy named Elliott (who is a musician as well) and they know Howie. If I remember correctly, I think they have done a few shows together. That part is a little sketchy. THE IMPORTANT PART is that Howie flippin gave an invitation to come hang out after the show.

Sadly to say, Margaret had other plans and decided not to go. So we left straight after the show. (don't freak out - you have to understand that this girl is Ms. Cool...she does not get overly excited about meeting famous people).

The show was AMAZING. Let me just tell you how much I LOVE LOOP PEDALS. Howie was a one-man show but you really wouldn't have known it. He looped everything (with loop pedals!) He started out with drumming on his guitar for the beat, then he turned his guitar into a bass and took that base line for a walk, and then strummed for some background noise, and then started picking and singing Brace Yourself. I definitely would have to say that Ghost was my favorite song of the night. He did this funky voice thing that made it echo over and over - it was BEAUTIFUL.

And Will Hoge. AMAZING, AMAZING. If you have never heard of this guy - you have got to see him live. His cd is good but I think he is ten times better live. A friend from graduate school took me and he gave the best description I can think of for will..."He's got SOUL" and that is tha TRUFTH.


Blogger Courtney said...

ok I am jealous! You always have fun stories.

9:04 AM  

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