Monday, November 28, 2005

i'm so proud of my camera phone. hehehe.

this picture makes me think of how God and I have been joined together as one. This is my view from the car on my way to my apartment. Beautiful, huh? Most of the time I admire the sky from afar and think of it as a separate entity from the world I live in. But it is not really separate. The sky surrounds our world completely. It encompasses is. The sky and our world are one. Yes it is above our atmospheric level. But it is part of us. We are part of it. We breathe it in and breath it out. And we behold its beauty.

I haven't posted anything in a while because God has been drudging my subconscious the last few weeks and nothing has really come up to the surface until a couple of days ago. In other words, a lot of indefinite things have been stirring in my soul and in my subconscious and nothing had quite pieced itself together yet...does this make sense? I have been asking Father to make His voice clear - that's ALL I want - to hear from Him. Not a solution. Not good advice. Nothing will substitute. Sometimes I feel like my soul/spirit is erupting like a volcano inside me because I want more of Him so badly. And He is trustworthy to give Me all I need and desire of Him.

My dear and close heart friend (ktb) :) reminded me last night that whatever I do, wherever I go is only a means to the end of knowing God. EVERYTHING that happens is (yes, even that stupid camry yesterday who cut me off so mean-heartedly in traffic) for the purpose of our KNOWING HIM. That's it.

And I tend to forget that. A lot. Lately the things have been getting my eyes off of Jesus are things like - where the heck am I going to go next year? What am I going to do? What job am I going to take? and Jesus is saying - stop worrying and realize that these questions in your mind are there on purpose to carry you to My embrace and comfort. Surrender you mind and heart. Rest and Trust. Eyes on Me.

katie told me to duck tape my eyes to Jesus. Maybe I need to weld them to Him. ha.

Even though my mind runs a million miles an hour it has been so good to know that I can relax and just be with Father - resting and trusting and knowing that (in the words of Jon Foreman) - All that's in my head is in Your hands...


Blogger jared.smith said...

incredible image with your camera phone.. b'hams sunset still aren't the same as those auburn ones. but even greater truth that HE has brought you to.. Praise HIM for it.. and thank you for sharing it.

6:10 AM  
Blogger Ashley Warren said...

Skuzan, I am so on the same page. My soul is definitely stirring but nothing definite about it. Dillbeck preached on how different things stir our soul and we need to recognize that in order to appreciate that stirring we have to connect it to God so that our spirit is stirred as well. What a great thought. Like when you see something that moves you (like the sky) you say "Praise the Lord for creating that" Then you spirit and your soul are moved together and it is far more glorious. I love you.

7:41 AM  

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